Bernie is doing great at home! I even saw her running through the house Friday night when we arrived. This is truly awesome! For someone who wasn't expecting to get back to life for a few more weeks, to see your child running through the house 8 days after her heart surgery with our past experience is STUNNING! As a baby after her last heart surgery, she wasn't even breathing on her own for 6 weeks. This time, she was barely intubated (on a breathing machine) for 6 hours! And then running 8 days later just seems to be more consistent with dreamland than reality. The difference between a baby and a big kid is truly night and day.
Bernie practically jumped into her hug with Lucy and was ecstatic to see her sisters. They all doted on her, doing all of the things she wanted to do for hours. They set up cars with her, took turns reading cards from her class to her, walked around the yard, and asked what she wanted to watch for a change on TV. Doing hard things surely gives us appreciation for the simple, everyday good stuff right before our eyes. I see it in the older girls, too, and seeing grateful kids is truly a blessing.
Hattie Jo also stopped over to see how Bernie was doing. And before we knew it, the big girls had a lemonade stand set up and Bernie certainly seemed to help with the marketing. All in day 9 after surgery!
When I was packing for our hospital stay, I packed full-size shampoo bottles and toothpaste as well as summer clothes. I believe what Dorothy really might say if she had just had her child go through open heart surgery in this fashion: "There's nothing like coming home with nearly full, non-travel size shampoo bottles!" This is the polar opposite of that soak tub described in earlier. Upon washing my hair, I will certainly be reminded that preparing for the worst case scenario is possible to be just that: preparation. Reality often has unexpected goodness waiting for us that we can be extra joyful in experiencing.
I suppose that's our lesson: To expect good things. And to expect surprises. But if you are part of our support team and readership, you've taught us better. We have learned from you that we can expect amazing things. The cards, notes of love, extensions of support in so many forms. You are incredible for all you did to help us get through this only to stand in the sunshine. We are so fortunate to have you. Our next follow up is June 8 in Ann Arbor. We will expect good things! Thank you for everything.